Kazakh Tazy Dog Breed
Kazakh Tazy Dog Breed

The Famous Kazakh Tazy Dog Breed is an ancient, antiquated chasing canine variety living in  Kazakhstan for more than 1,000 years. Because the type is so old, the specific family line or date of beginning is obscure. Indeed, even today, you can generally discover them in Kazakhstan. However, you can likewise now and again find them in neighboring Kazakhstan nations like Turkmenistan or Uzbekistan.

Kazakh-Tazy-Dog-Breed Famous Kazakh Tazy Dog Breed
Kazakh Tazy Dog Breed

Strong and Working Breed

There’s a well-known adage: “One Tazy will take care of the entire settlement,” and the Tazy is unquestionably equipped for giving a ton of food because of their stunning chasing capacities. When chasing, Kazakhs customarily utilize a pony, hawk, and a chasing canine, normally the Tazy.

What’s more, they are truly astonishing at tracking, because not just that they have stunning eyes and sight, much the same as most sighthounds do, the Tazy has an extraordinary feeling of smell additionally and can track down the monster on the path. Before, the Tazy was exceptionally esteemed, and not every person can bear to possess a Tazy.

As per a few sources, the Tazy was equivalent to 47 ponies for a lady of the hour’s necessary dowry. One explanation of why they were exceptionally esteemed was to be capable of running down and killing wolves. On account of that, they acquired a special status among other variety in Kazakhstan.

The fertility of the Breed

Tragically, even though these canines were exceptionally esteemed previously, today, they are at risk for elimination. It is assessed that solitary barely any of them are left today. Luckily, a few trackers and reproducers in Kazakhstan are attempting to spare this stunning old canine breed. For comparison, in the 1970s, there were a large number of Tazy canines in Kazakhstan.

Aspect and Size

The Tazy is proportional, thin, yet firm and athletic and certainly exceptionally effortless canine variety. Since quite a while ago, they have bordered ears, dim and enormous expressive eyes, pretty deep chest, and lean midsection. They can be found in various tones; one of the most well-known techniques is splendid red. These canines are prosperous yet extremely athletic, and their normal tallness is regularly between 55-72 cm, which is 22-28 inches, and weight should be between 20-35 kg, which is 44-77 pounds. The females will, in general, be marginally more modest than guys.


There is an old legend about the Tazy canine saying that the Tazy was conceived in the home of snow vulture, and they acquired their speed, physicality, power, and beauty from these respectable fowls. It is just a legend, yet the Tazy is spry, quick, athletic, endurant, trustworthy, and they have a high prey drive.

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